We would like to welcome you to the fourth edition of the 2018 Pennsylvania Diversity Council Newsletter. We’re excited to share some updates with you, and highlight some of our favorite events of the quarter.

This fall, we hosted our Diversity & Leadership Conferences in Philadelphia on September 6th, and Pittsburgh on October 23rd. We also hosted our 4th annual College Diversity Summit in Philadelphia for October 27th. All three events were successful, and we continue to receive an overwhelming amount of positive feedback from those who attended.

This quarter, we welcomed a new corporate partner, Trident Mortgage. We always appreciate the opportunity to engage new companies in the D&I conversation and to get their input on how we can continue to champion, educate, and raise awareness about diversity issues in the Pennsylvania – one organization and one community at a time.

Looking ahead, we are excited for all of the great events we have planned for 2019, and we hope you will join us will have the opportunity to participate and learn more about our organization as we continue to do this important work in Pennsylvania.

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