We would like to welcome you to the third edition of the 2018 Ohio Diversity Council Newsletter. We are very excited about our past accomplishments and look forward to our upcoming events in the year.

This past August has been a busy one for the council, as we host our Multicultural Roundtables across the state. This half day event is aimed towards development and networking for a diverse group of professionals by highlighting leaders of multicultural backgrounds. It features interactive networking, or ‘speed-networking’, with a business or community leader positioned at each roundtable leading conversation as attendees rotate around the room. In this format, leaders have the opportunity to share best practices and authentic experiences while participants can ask pertinent and in-depth questions.

The Multicultural Roundtable series kicked off in Akron-Canton on July 31 and will continue until September 6, when the final event is hosted in Columbus. For more information and to see the complete schedule, please visit our site.

Coming up on September 21, the council will be hosting our Inaugural Fair Housing Summit in Toledo. Join us to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the passing of the Fair Housing Act, to understand the current state of fair housing policy, and to explore the future of fair housing.

On October 25, we will be hosting our signature event, the Diversity and Leadership Conference, in Columbus. This annual event is held to educate and create local dialogue on diversity and inclusion and to celebrate the wide array of differences in our communities. Participants will have an opportunity to attend a wide array of workshops and hear from dynamic speakers that will increase their knowledge and understanding of a diverse workplace and community.

We hope you will have the opportunity to participate in one of our upcoming events and learn more about our organization, as we continue to champion, educate, and raise awareness about diversity in Ohio – one organization and one community at a time.

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