Month: February 2018

Celebrate Black History Month

February is Black History Month, which means celebrating and reflecting on a rich history of Black American culture, innovation, and revolution. Cities across the country and abroad are observing Black History Month with events and celebrations like Detroit’s Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation hosting a month long Celebrate Black History event, Toronto’s Mackenzie House hosting the A Glimpse of Black Life in Victorian Toronto exhibit, Baltimore’s MLK Day Celebration at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African American History & Culture, and the Pan African Film & Arts Festival in Los Angeles, to name a few. Black...

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How Harvard Changed my Health Care Leadership Career

As a senior health care executive, I plan continuing education carefully each year to ensure I am maintaining competence and pursuing excellence in leadership development. Unsettled by barriers perceived for women in leadership locally and nationally, I did not expect the career development programs offered through my agency would meet my needs. My search led me to the “Career Advancement and Leadership Skills for Women in Healthcare” offered through Harvard Medical School directed by Julie Silver, MD. If you are a woman in health care leadership or a man who supports women in health care leadership, I urge you...

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16 Ways to Make 2018 Your Best Year of Work, Ever

Yes, we’re about to turn the calendar page on another year. If, as Johnny Mathis once told us, “Life is what you make it,” then what will you make it in the year to come? Here are a few tips you can implement immediately to set the stage for your most awesome year yet.   PHASE 1 – RING OUT THE OLD. There’s no room for new projects, ideas, and successes until you clean out the remnants of 2017. Clean out the old year and you’ll be making space for what can happen the New Year. Here are your...

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Working Moms – Drop the Guilt

The outcomes of a new Harvard study should provide relief to working moms everywhere[1]. Kathleen McGinn and her colleagues found that daughters of working mothers grew up to be more successful in the workplace than their peers. They earned more and were more likely to take on supervisory roles. Sons of working moms were more likely to grow up contributing to the childcare and household chores. Furthermore children under 14 who were exposed to mothers who worked for at least a year grow up to hold more egalitarian gender views as adults. Being a working mom can have positive...

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Are you DIVERSITY Ready for 2018?

It’s that time of year where we bid adieu to the past year. We celebrate our successes and note our failures. 2017 has been an eventful and extremely busy year in the field of Human Resources and Diversity. The hot topics this past year ranged from workforce equality, workers’ rights, immigration, gender pay and most lately—-harassment and discrimination protections. Diversity has finally garnered the heightened attention that has been sought for decades; just not in the manner that was expected. Harassment cases and allegations of improper behavior has plagued the social, political and media arena. You cannot read a...

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2018 Publication Calendar

First Quarter
February 23

Second Quarter
May 25

Third Quarter
August 24

Fourth Quarter
November 2

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To be decided.