The Tri-State Diversity Council will be holding our inaugural Tri-State Legal Diversity Summit during the month of September in New York. NY. This event will aim to highlight the importance of diversity and inclusion efforts in the legal realm. The theme of this year’s summit is “A Call for Action: Moving the Diversity & Inclusion Needle Forward in the Legal Realm.”

The event includes three panelists from DSM, Choate, Hall & Stewart and Orrick, who will discuss the importance of creating an inclusive legal diversity realm that promotes legal diversity across an organization, i.e. recruitment, engagement, development, retention, etc. They will present a perspective from their own organization, including programs, challenges, and successes that are specific to their industry. We want to thank HSBC for hosting this dynamic inaugural event!

New York
September 22, 2017
8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

The Americas Room
425 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10018


  • Lauren Dondarski, Legal Counsel – DSM
  • Lorraine McGowen, Partner – Orrick
  • Macey Russell, Partner – Choate. Hall & Stewart

For more information about the Tri-State Legal Diversity Summit, including registration, please visit the event webpage at

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