The Florida Diversity Council will be holding our inaugural statewide Florida Generational Diversity Summit on Friday, September 15th in Tampa at PwC. This event will aim to highlight the importance of addressing the needs of a multi-generational workforce. The morning starts with the keynote speaker addressing the importance of creating an inclusive workplace that promotes generational diversity across an organization, i.e. recruitment, engagement, employee development, reward and recognition, etc. Three panelists will then present a perspective from their own organization, including programs, challenges, and successes.

Florida Generational Diversity Summit

September 15, 2016 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
4040 W. Boy Scout Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33607

Keynote Speaker
Michael Alicea
Executive Vice President of Human Resources


  • Karla Mastracchio, Community Manager — SecureSet
  • Matthew Hirst, Senior Director of OD, Talent, & Learning — GameStop
  • Hillary Griffin, Assurance Partner — PwC

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