On September 21, 2017, the Louisiana Diversity Council will host their annual Women’s Conference in New Orleans. This full day event will feature an array of female business executives from across the state who will discuss important issues affecting women’s career success. This year’s keynote speaker is Donna Brazile, Veteran Democratic Political Strategist, Founder and Managing Director of Brazile & Associates LLC.
“The Louisiana Women’s Conference offers attendees a venue to learn from insightful speakers and panelists, in addition to professional networking opportunities,” said Dennis Kennedy, Founder and Chair of the National Diversity Council.
The conference will start off with registration and networking followed by breakfast which will be keynoted by Donna Brazile. Following breakfast, breakout sessions will be held to discuss leadership best practices and professional development. The Top 15 Business Women in Louisiana will then be recognized at an awards luncheon. Additional breakout sessions and a reception will close out the conference.
For more information and to register for this event, please visit nationalwomensconference.com.
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