We would like to welcome you to the fourth edition of the 2016 Michigan Diversity Council Newsletter. We are very excited about our past accomplishments and look forward to our upcoming events.
This quarter, the council will be hosting the Michigan Diversity & Leadership Conference on November 15, 2016. Our one day conference will afford organizations the opportunity to explore tools and resources necessary to build diverse workforces and remain competitive on the global stage. For more information on this event and to register, please visit www.michigandiversityconference.com.
Looking ahead to 2017, the council will be hosting a Healthcare Diversity Summit on January 24, a Women in Leadership Symposium on March 17, and Generational Diversity Conference on May 17. We hope to see you at some of these dynamic events. For more information, please visit our calendar at www.michigandiversitycouncil.org/council-agenda/.
We hope you have a happy and safe end of the year and look forward to continuing our work in 2017 as we continue to champion, educate, and raise awareness about diversity issues in Michigan - one organization and one community at a time.
Dennis Kennedy
Founder & Chair
National Diversity Council
National Diversity Council
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