We would like to welcome you to the third quarter edition of the 2016 NDC Carolinas Newsletter. We are very excited about the upcoming year and the events we have planned for our community.
We are very excited for the growth that the NDC Carolinas is experiencing and look forward to continued growth as we engage business and community leaders in our educational events and programs. These programs offer attendees numerous benefits and learning opportunities through various themes, discussion topics, and speakers who advocate the importance of diversity and inclusion efforts. We look forward to maintaining these knowledge-laden events in Charlotte & Raleigh-Durham, and furthering the creation of a diverse and inclusive workforce, where people from all walks of life are able to share their fresh perspectives and viewpoints.
As the NDC Carolinas continues to grow, we will continue to add initiatives and programs that address a broader array of topics. Some of these topics could include corporate and social responsibility, LGBT-Allies, diversity and inclusion topics within the healthcare industry, and Veterans needs in the workplace, amongst others. We will also offer consulting and mentoring services specifically catered to your organization’s needs. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of becoming a corporate partner organization, please contact [email protected].
We look forward to seeing you at these knowledge-laden events in the Carolinas, and furthering the creation of a diverse workforce and inclusive communities, where people from all walks of life will be able to share their fresh perspectives and viewpoints.
For a complete list of all our 2016 events, please visit our agenda located on our website at ndccarolinas.org. I hope you will have the opportunity to participate in some of our upcoming 2016 events and learn more about our organization, as we continue to champion, educate, and raise awareness about diversity issues in North Carolina - one organization and one community at a time.
National Diversity Council
National Diversity Council
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